Selasa, 17 Juli 2012

Download a free pdf version of logarithm tables

Download a pdf version of logarithm tables. Table of logarithm is the logarithm of the number of the table value specified. A table of logarithms can be used as a supporter in the settlement of mathematical equations relating to the logarithmic equation. The actual value of the logarithm of a number can be calculated manually or use the calculator. But sometimes to perform a cross-check against the settlement of problems such as logarithmic.

This logarithm table I created at the same time as the answer for a friend who had been asking about how to create a table of logarithms. In this post only discusses pdf version only, for the version of excel that contains the formula and the measures of its production will be discussed on the blog (the blog discusses specific excel 2007).

Logarithmic tables pdf version consists of several parts:

1. a table of logarithms from 1 to 10
2. logarithmic Tables 10 to 100
3. a table of logarithms from 1 to 80,000

Please note that the logarithm tables is a rounding value up to 4 decimal places and commas. To modify a 2 to 8 or 16 decimal places and commas, could by modifying excel files which will be discussed later.

How to read a table of logarithms can be seen a guide below
Suppose the value of the logarithm is sought 1.34 generally ditullis: "log 1.34
Figure 1.3 read at the first column, and the number 4 read on the first line, the result of the intersection of rows and columns is the value of a logarithm is sought,
So the value of 1.34 log = 0,1271
Likewise for log 1.97 = 0,2945
To download a pdf file of his could use following link tables of logarithms

View the original article here

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